After Hopper

After Hopper

Mother nature is responsible for the first two, but Helen Addison is the energy behind the third. The owner of Addison Art Gallery in Orleans conceived of a celebration of Edward Hopper (1882-1967), the Cape’s most revered artist and others who follow in his footsteps. Addison is not a dreamer, however. She turned her vision into reality.

The result is “After Hopper,” a two-year tribute to the artist that includes exhibitions of plein air paintings by invited artists as well as lectures, demonstrations and more at both the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis and Addison Art Gallery.

Over the years, artists have been inspired by the more than 100 plein air paintings Hopper created, many in Truro and Provincetown, and Addison’s idea quickly picked up steam within the arts community. Artist Marc Kindmann of Provincetown created the logo seen on the white painter’s hats worn by many of the artists painting at Hopper landmarks.

Addison seems to have tapped into something vital, as so many contemporary artists from Cape Cod to California credit Hopper as the inspiration for their work. Over 50 were selected for the exhibition. We talked to several of them during an After Hopper plein air event recently at Truro Vineyards.

Chatham artist Maryalice Eizenberg said she loves Hopper because of his brilliant handling of light. “I love the way his light gleams on buildings. The luminosity is unparalleled. And his handling of architecture is masterful.” It’s what she strives for and finds on the Cape. “We are able to capture it.”

Fay Shutzer, an artist who divides her time between New York City and Truro, caught Addison’s excitement. “I’ve always been aware of Hopper’s work. This area is full of scenes he has painted. The essence of what he saw is still here. It hasn’t changed much.” She says the light calls to her as well.

Painters Gather in Maine for First Fall Color Week

Painters Gather in Maine for First Fall Color Week

A group of 98 painters gathered in October 2015 for PleinAir magazine’s first annual Fall Color Week publisher’s invitational event in Acadia National Park near Bar Harbor, Maine. The event was designed for painters of all levels who wanted to spend a solid week painting the spectacular scenery of the Maine coast and the brilliant colors — which some locals said were the best they had ever seen...